Friday, September 19, 2008

Loren Cordain speech on MS

The paleolithic diet, is a dietary protocol mimicking the types of food that our ancestor, paleolithic man ate, millions of years ago. The central premise of this diet is the idea that our genome hasn't significantly changed since the paleolithic period, well before the age of agriculture, some 10,000 years ago, and the addition of animal milks, grains, lentils and refined sugars. Before this epic shift in the eating patterns of the human species, all humans world wide subsisted on the same basic groups of food: fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and meat. 

Its argued by researchers like Loren Cordain, and people like Arthur DeVany that eating a modern diet, which either drastically limits or removes entirely dairy and grain products, sticking to the food of our ancestors, we can reduce our risks significantly of getting any of the metabolic diseases so common among middle aged and older people in the developed world.
I plan on writing a more in depth blog post on the paleo-diet in the next few days, but in the mean time, I really wanted to post this video series of Loren Cordain speaking about the relationship between the Paleo-Diet and Multiple sclerosis. The first part of the presentation serves as a decent introduction to Cordain's ideas and the Paleo-Diet in general.

Follow the links to 2/7- 7/7


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